Why Eggs Are a Nutritional Powerhouse
Do eggs belong on the list of foods Americans should consider healthy? Thanks to the latest news from the FDA, answering this question has become much easier for grocery shoppers and food producers alike. After decades of undercooked and antiquated guidance, the Food and Drug Administration has finally updated its food labeling requirements to allow eggs to be labeled as healthy.
That’s right: the FDA officially agrees that eggs are a healthy, nutrient-dense food!
FDA permits healthy labeling for eggs
On December 19, 2024, the FDA publicly announced that eggs warrant a healthy food label, closing the door on decades of debate. Besides being long overdue, this decision simplifies food choices for consumers, allowing eggs to wear the healthy badge proudly.
Jen Houchins, PhD, RD, from the American Egg Board, stated, "This news makes eggs a clear healthy choice, vindicating them from outdated science." Since the announcement, organizations like the American Heart Association have embraced eggs as part of a heart-healthy diet.
As we celebrate this victory for transparent food labeling, we understand the journey to get here hasn’t been straightforward for many health-conscious shoppers. So, we're here to help you separate facts from outdated beliefs and unscramble the truth about the health benefits of eating eggs — including the debate on brown eggs vs. white eggs and whether cage-free eggs are good for you.
What to know about the benefits of eating eggs
While eggs are now officially considered a healthy food, many shoppers still have important questions about the health benefits of eating eggs: Will eggs raise cholesterol levels in the blood? How often should you eat eggs?
Check out the resources below to find the answers and learn which essential vitamins and disease-fighting antioxidants are found in eggs, as well as what food producers like us and skilled nutritionists believe about which foods are considered part of a healthy, balanced diet.
1. Eggs Are a Clean and Sustainable Protein
Eggs are not just perfect for breakfast; they're also a cleaner protein with a smaller carbon footprint. Raising our hens on small family farms with ample access to lush pasture is an approach to farming that we're proud of, and one that's been shown to make less waste and have a meaningful impact on the quality of our eggs. By going above and beyond the practices of cage-free and factory farm producers - and adhering to Certified Humane's strict standards of animal welfare - we're staying true to our B Corp values and ensuring a happier life for our laying hens.
Did You Know? While the hens that lay “cage-free” eggs have it slightly better than those who spend their lives confined to tiny battery cages, they still may not get out much (if at all). Conversely, pasture-raised hens get to enjoy plenty of fun in the sun — and live and lay in tune with their natural cycles.
2. Americans Deserve to Know That Eggs Are Healthy
Though eggs can now be labeled as healthy, the previous uncertainty has left consumers hanging in terms of making smart, nourishing choices at the grocery store.
Reaching for whole, humanely raised foods like eggs from hens on pasture gives Americans more confidence in their shopping decisions and packs more nutrition into their diet.
3. Experts Agree: Eggs Are Healthy
When the FDA’s previous opinions on healthy foods meant a fudge bar could be considered a smarter snack option than a hard-boiled egg, we here at Pete and Gerry’s knew it was time to take action. Read on to learn how we partnered with Registered Dietitian Keri Glassman in filing a 17-page petition requesting the FDA review and change their outdated criteria on what foods are deemed healthy.
4. 5 Smart Reasons to Eat Eggs Every Day
Exactly how vital a role do high-quality eggs play in a balanced diet? According to Keri Glassman, MS, RD, CDN, eggs are an essential source of protein and vitamin D that deserve a spot on your breakfast plate every day of the week.
5. Are Eggs Truly Healthy?
Concerns over cholesterol and dietary fats have challenged the belief that eggs are a nutrient-dense food in the past, but the science says otherwise. New research shows that eggs don’t raise cholesterol levels in most cases. As a nutrient-dense food that won’t break the budget, eggs also provide essential healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids and nutrients like choline to support memory, mood, and the nervous and reproductive systems as well as brain development during pregnancy. All things considered, it’s clear that eggs are a healthy staple of any well-balanced diet.
6. Egg Nutrition Facts
Regardless of what words we use to describe the many benefits of eating eggs, it’s difficult to argue with hard facts and scientifically derived nutritional information. From calories and essential vitamins to antioxidants for disease prevention, we’ve compiled a list of essential egg nutrition facts to help you stay informed and choose the healthiest, most nourishing foods for yourself and your family.
Did You Know? Brown egg nutrition does not differ at all from white eggs. Shell color varies according to the breed of egg-laying hen — brown-feathered hens lay brown eggs, white-feathered hens lay white eggs. Whether brown or white, it’s the quality of the hens’ diets and lifestyle that makes for a healthier egg!
Eggs fit naturally into a healthy lifestyle
With the FDA's new designation, eggs - especially those from pasture-raised hens like ours - are confirmed as a nutrient-dense food packed with vitamins, protein, and minerals needed for human health.
Whether you're searching for an ingredient to fill out your keto-friendly meals or fuel up with a slice of loaded sweet potato toast, eggs make for an affordable kitchen staple and sustainable source of protein. So go ahead and grab a carton of our humanely raised eggs the next time you're in the dairy aisle. Then, smile confidently in knowing you've made a healthy decision!