10 Ways to Practice Self Care at Home
Health & Nutrition

10 Ways to Practice Self Care at Home

By Family Farm Team
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10 Ways to Practice Self Care at Home
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There's no one one-size-fits-all model for practicing self care. In the same way that the food on your plate or your daily skincare regimen might look completely different from a friend's, the actions you take to nourish and support your emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing can and should always be tailored to your unique needs and experience. Whether you're still figuring out what soothes your soul after a tough day or simply want to add something new to your routine, these self-care tips and thought starters can help.

1. Treat yourself to a DIY face mask (or three)

Stress, sun, changing seasons, dry air, lack of sleep, age, genetics, you name it: there are countless factors (many of which are out of our control) that affect our skin. These three DIY egg masks take the power of protein- and vitamin-rich egg whites and apply it to the sensitive skin on your face––literally! The refreshing, soothing effects are reason enough to treat yourself to a spa day at home.

2. Start a garden

There's something incredibly therapeutic about getting hands-on with the soil beneath your feet––just ask our farmers, many of whom grow organic vegetables, fruits, and flowers of their own. The act of germinating seeds, caring for living plants, and relishing in the bounty of your harvest can be an incredibly powerful way to relieve stress. And it doesn't have to be done outdoors! Consider starting an herb garden on your windowsill or adding a blooming houseplant to a sunny corner of your home to enjoy the beauty of nature all year round.


3. Consider incorporating CBD into your recipes

While CBD isn't for everyone, educating yourself on the benefits of this cannabinoid is worthwhile. Thanks to its ability to influence the body's endocannabinoid system, which regulates functions like pain, many people claim success in using CBD to manage everything from muscle soreness to anxiety. Needless to say, it can be a powerful tool for self-care when taken in tincture form, used in recipes, or applied topically.

4. Take care of your eyes

Screens can do a number on our eyes, and there's no doubting that they've become ubiquitous. Whether you're parent and find yourself erring on the side of exhaustion at the end of the day, spend most of your waking hours refreshing the news on your phone, or some some other variation, your eyes could probably use a refresh. Try to make time for a break, and mix up one of these eyelid and under-eye treatments full of essential fatty acids, the building blocks of healthy cell membranes.

5. Prepare ahead for moods of extreme laziness

Hear us out––setting aside some time to prepare a few meals you'll forward to eating later is absolutely worth your time. You're about to get real used to cooking, and inevitably tired of it (or at the very least, of cleaning up after yourself). So do Future You a favor and "schedule" some nights of laziness with these curated recipes. And, if that's a little too ambitious for today, support your local restaurants with delivery and curbside takeout options.

6. Make your favorite comfort foods

Or, stick to the classics; food has an incredible ability to provide comfort when we need it the most. It can revive good memories, remind us of a loved one, and brings us all together, even on the longest of days (months?). So when you need a little bit of comfort in your life, recreate mom's signature bowl of pasta or grab all the chocolate you can bet your hands on and make a meal that feeds your soul.

7. Get the vitamins and minerals your body needs

Nutrient deficiencies are more common than many people realize, and can have a huge impact on your mood and energy levels if ignored. Varying your diet and asking your healthcare provider about vitamin and mineral supplements are both great places to start. Did you know that you can make your own supplements at home, too? Give your morning smoothie a boost of calcium with nothing more than a coffee grinder and a few clean eggshells.

8. Stay active

Moving your body releases endorphins, which are known for their ability to boost both mood and energy long after you've finished your workout. Like all forms of self care, exercise looks different for everyone. It might mean doing HIIT after work or simply going for a walk in the park; it might look like a dance party in the living room, or even have you wondering if you're ready to push yourself towards your first triathlon. No matter what it looks like for you, it's a great way to get the blood flowing and take care of your mind and body.

9. Give your hair a DIY at home salon treatment

It's hard to replicate the feeling that comes with a fresh cut or a new 'do. The good news? You can give your hair the salon treatment right at home, and on your own time, too. Combining egg yolks with natural ingredients like aloe vera, essential oils, and lemon juice can help you create a personalized hair mask that's meant to hydrate and fortify all different types of hair.

10. Take up a new hobby

Variety is the spice of life! Finding a balance between work, family, and spending time doing something you truly love is easier said than done, but once you find a hobby that brings you joy, you'll never go back. Our recommendation? Chicken keeping! If your local laws allow it, raising backyard chickens is an incredibly fulfilling experience. Along with gorgeous, fresh eggs, it will give you an excuse to spend more time outdoors with the loving, silly creatures known as chickens. If that's not self-care, we don't know what is.

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